open 7 days a week

331 Allard Boulevard SW. Unit 331 Edmonton, AB T6W 0J2

Teeth Whitening Instructions

Mon to Thurs 8 AM to 8 PM
Friday 8 AM to 5 PM
Saturday 8 AM to 3 PM
Sunday 10 AM to 4 PM

Call Now: 780 244 4777

Regular Braces

Metal Braces, or train tracks as they are affectionately called, is the most common treatment availed by those who have bite problems such as overbites, crowding and other complex teeth alignment issues. They consist of metal brackets that go on the surface of your teeth which are joined together by a wire that holds on to the back teeth. These apply pressure to the teeth to guide them to their desired position and are continually adjusted by the orthodontist. Your orthodontist may also prescribe retainers at the end of the treatment since there’s still the possibility of teeth going back to their former positions.

Before you get the braces, your orthodontist will need to first determine what type of malocclusion you have (crossbite, underbite, overbites, crowding etc.) and how severe it is. X-rays and photographs of your mouth and face may need to be taken as well. They will then determine the positioning of the brackets and the archwire in accordance with the intended movement of your teeth. This will take about 10-20 minutes. You may start to feel pain in your mouth a few hours after the treatment as a result of the treatment. In this case your orthodontist may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers. The pain will start to decrease a few days after the treatment